Sunday, May 13, 2012

CLARITY makes your dreams come true FASTER!

So, have you done your CONTRAST as you were instructed to do in the last post?

If NOT, then, please go and do that 1st. You have no place on these pages that follow...

For those who have done their contrast, or made their complaints through their writing instrument, read on!

For the CLARITY exercise, I want you to take and A4 or fullscap paper and draw a line right down the middle. From top to bottom.

On the left column, write 'CONTRAST' and on the right, write 'CLARITY'

Now, list everything you wrote in point form (1, 2, 3,...a, b, c. It doesn't matter)

Once done, for everything on you list, write out the CLARITY solution that you want.


If one of your CONTRAST is, 'I am in debt!' Your CLARITY solution should be, 'I am Financially Independent and Free!'

Or, if one of your CONTRAST is, 'I am fat!' Then, your CLARITY solution should be, 'I am Fit, healthy and my weight is IDEAL for me!'

This is how your CONTRAST to CLARITY page should look like...

Success is in Doing Well in What You Do Best!

What Do You Do Now?
Do you work at a job?
Do you run your own business?
Or, are you in between? I.e. working on your own time, representing a company or a brand like an insurance or unit trust company.

Are you happy with the results that you are getting?

If there was anything you could just change with a snap of the finger, what would it be?

Often it is said that the difference between great success and just getting by, is a very small addition in activity.

I am sure that you have heard that the difference between the mediocre salesperson and the award winning sales person is by just 1 more phone made by the award winner just before he leaves for home.

I am sure the story of the horse that wins the race by a NOSE is also widely told! And the winning horse's purse is in manifolds larger that the horse that took the 2nd place.

So, if it takes only soooo little for you to achieve EXTRA ORDINARY SUCCESS, why don't everyone do that little bit more and enjoy the success they sooo rightfully deserve?

Ask yourself these questions. Then, sit down somewhere where you are comfortable and at peace and think...and I mean REALLY THINK, of the answers...

  1. Are you truly excited about what you are doing now?
  2. Why are you excited?
  3. Are the benefits in line with what you truly enjoy doing?
  4. If it is NOT in line, in an ideal world, what could you be doing now that would make your results be in lined with what you enjoy?
  5. If you truly enjoy what you are doing, are you the best in the industry?
  6. If NOT, why not? What do you lack? What could you do to become the best in the industry?

Gather all the answers... We will go into case studies in the next posting.

Have a Fun day! Do what you love and Enjoy your life!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Laziness is the #1 cause for not achieving success in Life!


From my last post, you will see those two words. I learnt if from reading The Law of Attraction book by Michael Losier and then from his trainers in Malaysia.

It is such an easy and simple exercise that many many of you readers will just 'pandang dengan mata sebelah' or in direct translation to the English language, 'look with one eye'. What it means is, you won't take it seriously AT ALL.

CONTRAST: This means knowing what you don't want and don't like.

Take time off NOW! Go have a coffee at a comfortable place, away from distractions. (I would urge you to do this even if you are currently working now)

Make sure you have a some writing instruments with you. It can be electronic or old school. Whatever makes YOU comfortable.

Once you have found the ideal place to get into real thinking, START!

Start thinking of what you don't like about your life. Make a list of it.

I am giving you permission to use this time you have set aside to 'Complain'...just keep on complaining about your life. Include your job, your finances, your family, your children, the government, you lack of time etc.

I will be back later to tell you what to do with this list. ( Don't worry! It won't be a smarty pants come back to ask you to throw that list away) I will guide and help you on how you can find YOUR clarity. And live the life you dream of.


CONTRAST: what you DON'T want CLARITY: what you want Focus ONLY on what you want... Stay tuned! Nature gives you ALL that you NEED to achieve ALL that you WANT! Recognize that!